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Join U-Report, UNICEF's digital community for young people, by young people. Your voice matters.
How to communicate your feelings better?

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to share your feelings but don’t know what to say? Or have you ever been worried about a friend, and you would like to start a conversation, but you are not sure how to interact with your peer?  


We understand, having a conversation about your feelings or talking with a friend about their emotions can be challenging, but reaching out is a great way to start. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength; it shows self-awareness and courage to seek support during difficult times. 


To help you communicate better about what’s on your mind and learn how to start conversations about mental health with your peers and loved ones, we invite you to explore our U-Report chatbot on Mental Health 


Through an interactive bot, you will learn tips that will encourage you to normalize conversations and break the stigma around mental health. The U-Report chatbot serves as a tool for young people to increastheir knowledge and motivate a greater self-awareness of the need to proactively take care of their own mental health.    



Choose your preferred platform and access the chatbot through these simple steps: 


On Facebook 

Click here.

Send the message: TIPS  


On WhatsApp 

Save the U-Report WhatsApp number: +66 800 249 442 or click here 

Send the message: TIPS  


On Viber 

Follow ‘U-Report’ Public Account on Viber (Go to Discover) or click here. 

Send the message: TIPS  


Access the U-Report mental health chatbot, and if you think this resource can be useful for some friends, share it with them too, and help us break the stigma around mental health. 

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.